NUS Highlights

Learn how our transformative education and multidisciplinary research have nurtured effective global leaders, impacted society and transformed lives for the better.

President's Welcome

We are Singapore’s flagship university. We hope you will be inspired by the many fascinating facets that make NUS a leading global university centred in Asia.

NUS President

Shaping the Future

“At NUS, we are moving boldly — and concertedly — to expand tomorrow's frontiers. We believe that we have the power to shape the future, for the better.”

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Thought Leadership

Distinguished thought leaders, movers and shakers in Singapore and across the globe gather regularly on campus to share their insights and engage in intellectual discourse.

What a 121km trek across the Gobi Desert taught us about transformation

What a 121km trek across the Gobi Desert taught us about transformation

Transformation is a passage for the bold and willing – it can be nudged in the right direction but the motivation must come from within. NUS President Prof Tan Eng Chye who was part of the NUS team that participated in the 19th Gobi Desert Challenge recounted his rewarding experience and the new lessons learnt. Prof Tan also spoke about the university’s role as an institute of higher learning to fuel the motivation for self-transformation.

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Declining literacy skills among younger adults has implications for Singapore’s workforce

Declining literacy skills among younger adults has implications for Singapore’s workforce

According to the Survey of Adult Skills, an international study under the OECD Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), there is a decline in the literacy scores for both lower-educated and more highly-educated adults in the recent Cycle 2 survey. Assoc Prof (Practice) Terence Ho from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at NUS remarked that this has implications for the competitiveness of Singapore’s workforce and economy, particularly given the importance of human capital to Singapore’s economy.

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